Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Robot Boot-Camp

On August 1st from 9am to 5pm at Arrowhead Park Early College High School, we will be holding a Robot Boot-Camp! The whole team is uber excited for it, espically since it is coming up so soon. We have are little new NEO's going through it as well as beggining teams around New Mexico that have asked for our help, and anyone in Las Cruces from 9th to 12th grade that love robots and everything else as much as we do! With such little time, I am reminded of bag and tag when it really comes down to crunch time... staying up all night, getting kinda stressed, spending all of our sleeping and waking ours thinking about what needs to get done, and wishing with all of our little nerd hearts that everything goes as planned.

The camp will feature:
-Business Plan/Marketing
-Video Editing
-Chairmen's Planning

There is absolutly so much to do for anyone and everyone! Lunch is Pizza (of course), cupcakes, cookies, salad, water, and soda. We have done all of the advertising we can and with luck, hope, and a whole lot of work, everything should be super splended.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Dean Kamen Portrait

If a witch turned me into a painting I would want to be a portrait of Dean Kamen... because Dean Kamen...

Purple and Orange Butterfly.

If I could have any animal I would have a butterfly farm, all purple and orange of course.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

An Engineers Spell

The spell I would create would be to create amazing robot ideas instantly so we could build them!
Name: IdeaInsta

The Future

In my future I picture myself in 20 years winning nationals and having over 40 members on the team, winning chairmen's, and spreading the word of FIRST through out the community as a well known name.